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Sunday 16 September 2007 . 18:46

Feel so confused. Dun rly noe my feelings anymore. Shld nt trust it! let things go their own way. tts de best ba. Realise my blogging is so irregular. Lik this btr ba. gt more anticipation. lol. gay la! ok lets recap.

went bck to nchs on teachers day. skip sch. jason actually suppose to skip sch also but cos of some1, he actually went bck to sch. wooo... he tis kinda ppl will go to sch de. tt gal must be so impt to him. lol. ok. jun wei was late in meetin me. den 2gthr go sch. supposed play pool but end up nv. go play soccer, and soccer's always fun. saw a lot teachers and mdm chow rmb my name. saw mr tien and chatted wif him. he jio me go play soccer wif his class nw and say my team will lose. boo... cnt be de.

Durin sep hols nv do anything much. so boring. a lot of outings was cancelled. and i went to 'teach' mich soccer which was lik so embarrasing. cos i dun find my soccer tt gd but shes much worst. so nvm. rena and van was dere and dey were dirtying ljs. and as bimbo as ever. LoL. esp mich.

Sch started and was as boring as ever. Must study hard for promos le. everyone ard too. wish u all gd luk and jia you! sounds so fake frm me somehow.... haha. Dunno wot life will be lik if i retain. No way will i let tt happen. dam scared.

cheer up van. stop emoin on ur blog. ^^

btw, newly edited! im not chosen for malaysian de national service. so relieved, if chosen must go bck m'sia do ns. den still gt s'pore ns. heng nv chosen, i dunno any malay at all. thank god! very very relieved. dun nid to waste 3 months. ^^

Friday 31 August 2007 . 08:38

Wow. realise i nearly 1 month nv blog le. but cos got nthin much to blog anyway. got a boring life. haha. time to remincise my past month but lik forget liao le... hmmm.. anyway feeling much btr as finally gotten my ans to a question i have for so dam long and gotten over a few things. Exams coming le!! arrg. seeing everyone around me mugging is so depressing. ok la nt rly la although havent study yet. i myself dunno why i can be so relax! lol.

De nyjc flimfest was fun ya although video nt rly tt nice. seen a few of my pri sch frens and sec sch frens and fun la. b4 flimfest tt day went to play pool wif shaq and jason. den watch knocked up. m18 but lik dey dun rly care whether we underaged or nt. quite funny but boring also.

been playin soccer regularly and must train stamina la. mine lik sheit lor. i tink maybe de crazy gal who juz joined soccer in sa stamina btr den me. lol. dunno y she go join. must be finally siao liao, although b4 also siao.

Im in lik deep shit. a lot teachers complain bout me and its lik all except for 1 which is my phy teacher. my teacher say i dreamer lik to day dream. rly? i juz nv pay attention la. not day dream. totally diff. den i haben hand up maths and econs assignment since after de 1st month of sch. and kip skippin lectures only. and dey make such a big fuss! my chinese teacher also. so small matter only! dunno dem. Sch fun though. my class dam rowdy. haha. hate my pw teacher.zz

Man utd v unlucky. dominate most matches but cant scrore. must have sense of urgency but dunno wot their team doing. hope dey can win deir nxt few matches if nt hard to win epl le wif all de teams bein so strong.

Ok. my life lik so boring. juz relieved to have gotten de ans, and tink finally gotten over all ba. Gd luck to jason in chasin gal. Gd luck to marcus in chasing gal. Gd luck to kek in chasing gal. gd luck to jx in chasing gal. Gd luck to shawn in chasing gal. No luck to me in chasing gal cos no one special in my life, and dun tink can find any1 soon. haha. sad hor?! =(

Friday 3 August 2007 . 23:34

well, went tonite. and ya pics mainly again. emoing. ny flim fest today. rather fun. met up wif some pri frens and sec frens. videos were gay but somehw

Saturday 28 July 2007 . 20:38

Nv blog v long le so gonna do 1 random 1. thanks for those who see e lik quite moody and cheer me up. Lik van, mich, jas and some others lik 1-12(stupid name rly).. frens will always be dere for u. im guilty of not doin tt though. haha. thanks anyway but nt rly tt emo la! emo is w/o confidence. im overconfident as my teacher said. read below for more. still down and moody. many things happened.

today was de meet de parent meetin. my mum kicked up a big fuss ovr nthing. seriously over nthin. im juz lik late a couple of times, results nt tt gd and hair long and she can talk wif my teacher lik hell long. 30mins or more. kua zhang le. she and ang saw hong(my ct) can become gd frens le. lol. den she lik so nt happy wif me. hmm although she v fast ok le. so im safe. and ang saw hong say i overconfidnet and not focused. zz. say i lik to daydream and say i skip lessons. overconfident?! dunno her.. maybe a lil?

Nthin else much to say. still moody nt emo..

Monday 16 July 2007 . 19:36

Juz makin a quick post here as nthin much to do. still rather down anyway..

Went out of soccer tournament as expected but at least winning one. so wif some pride. Stamina in de pits. gonna train soon and nidda find some motivation.

Pool is fun. realises i improve a little bit over de past altthough still sucks pretty much.

Suspension coming up soon. Late for 5 times le. Stupid sch wif stupid rule. Not much warning. Marcus was hit wif a 1 week suspension and he sriously is lik so shuay. one more time of bein late and im dead. Have to make it a point to get up earlier.

ok. tts all. Feelin down.

Wednesday 11 July 2007 . 11:39

My oral has juz been over and well, im sure tt i slaughtered it. Did not talk properly at all and one of my worst oral to date. Dunno wots de matter wif me dese days...

Got back a few of my exam results le, u for maths, s for econs, e for physics and d for chemistry. Actually, i tot my marks was horrible but well, i realised lots more ppl did worst den me den de ppl who did btr den me so my results were lik quite gd.. Gp and chinese results coming up soon.

Inter house soccer was a disaster of some sort. Heron simply has de least gd soccer players and juz getting 1 team is hard. We were unlucky to lose de 1st match to a last minute goal and hope btr results can come up.

Went to watch transformer wif jason. Heard 1 joke tt day which dun really account for a joke. It goes lik tis,"i burp den de examiner faint den i change de marks". Its frm a guy who we dunno de and he was lik thinking tt his joke is so funny. We 2 laugh 2gthr cos its like totally nt funny at all and he tot it was so funny. Transformer was cool and finally able to watch it after so many failed attempts. Autobots won at last. graphics was great.

Sry for not updatin those 2 pictures blog. too down rite now. juz too sad and lazy. wot has happened to me. Where did i go wrong. hmmm

Sunday 8 July 2007 . 00:49

Went to marina square today. a place filled with memories and not in de mood now to write. so once again, juz see de pics.

Friday 6 July 2007 . 23:14

Went to cwl house to celebrate her bday. not really in de mood now so be contended juz seein de pics for now. may update ltr.

Monday 2 July 2007 . 20:25

Sry for not blogging tis past week. Exams was on and was studyin for exams. Had exams on monday, tuesday and wednesday. Had to have intensive studyin as i had not really studied during de hols. Regretted but oh well, wots over is over. Gp and chinese paper was as usual, hard to fail languages paper. Chem was a killer. One of de hardest tests i ever taken and strangely, i had more confidence in my chem den de rest. Weird. Econs, Physics and Maths was tough. Prayed tt i did alrite at de end and pass. Now i understand y my jc teacher say tt ppl can score single digits in exams. Nv tot it was possible until de exam papers arrive. Although i tink tt i did alrite for all tests and shld juz be able to scrap a pass, lady luck is always not on my side. Gd luk to all ppl who take their exams and hope tt u all did well!

24 June is a special day to me and will always be no matter wot.

Went out on thursday to watch Nancy drew. Bugis had only 2 pathetic shows so went to the cathay to try our luck. No ocean 13 here too so had to settle for nancy drew. Chatted till de movie started. De show was a little stupid but enjoyed it nonetheless. Had a great time tt day. Enjoyed it throughly!

Went to play pool on Friday with shawn and jk and mh. i suck tt day. Supposed to play pool wif marx, kek and jason but marx and kek got bday celebration. Idiots! Wed after exams dun wanna play pool and on fri also cnt. Bleahx. Grrr. Better go nxt time hor!

Had tuition on sat! I tink im in nid of tuition and got it. 60 bucks per lesson. quite expensive but was greatly beneficial to me. cleared up some doubts or most of it. was nervous tt day. haha. Very nervous shld be de word.

Sun was fun. Went to cp mit mx for lunch(i tink? was at 4?). Pass him de fm disc and chatted bout our lives and de other halfs. Den went to hougang plaza played pool until 9pm den went to jalan kayu wif mx,shawn,jk and gh for dinner. Ordered roti prata, mee gorend and murtabak. Food was great and chatted a lot. Had beancurd afterwards. Rly, we should have more of dese outins. so tt we keep in contact and not disappear into oblivion in ech other lives. yea!

Tts pretty much how my whole week gone. Sch is gonna start soon le. Although not rly keen into attendin new lessons, Sch is fun! Tis week was great. Hope tt it can be forever and everlasting!

Friday 22 June 2007 . 23:45

2 days had just passed and i finally realised how close de mid yr exams are. The big prob is i haben rly started yet and ya, im dead. Anyway, hope all those ppl out dere who have exams coming up are faring much much btr den me.

Yesterday was not a gd day for me. Not feeling well. Sickness overcame me and slept almost my whole afternoon away. Bad bad day. But thanks jk for buying me dinner. Was juz jokin wif him on msn and he rly went to buy dinner for me. So good hor. Shocked! haha. Den he proceeded to chatted till 3++am. Although i was studyin most of de time la. to show my mum only. However, a sms brightened up my day for me.

Today was also nt very gd for me. Cut my hair after close to 1 month of naggin frm my mum. No choice but to cut today. She said tt if i dont cut my hair, she wont gimme any money.(She said tt 2 weeks ago and ya, i did not received a single cent frm her) So now, must reclaimed my money frm last 2 weeks. Den did grocery shopping for my mum today. And i still called miao hong an auntie for buying fruits at giant.. haha! Althoug she is much more horrible la as she bought a lot more fruits and her fren tt day bought oil.. 2 over le la those 2 aunties. Den went home to study. But soon feel asleep. too tired.

Hmmm. realise my life is sooo boring. anyway, stop saying my posts are lame van. they are not k! ur one more lame. Bimbos united.


Jonathan here. Welcome to my blog. Im 16 and currently at TPJC. Im an ordinary guy who likes to have fun and everything tat has to got to do with fun. I love doing a lot of things but my greatest love of them all is football. Support Manchester United for life! Enjoys playing games, pool, watching movies and etc... Feel free to add me on msn/friendster at fieryhotz_11@hotmail.com. Cheers! Enjoy reading boring tidbits of my life.. Pls tag if you are reading!



Hwee Ling
Jonathan Yong
Jun Kai
Lei yi
Qi hui
Wei Xing
Ying Hui


June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007


The Fray -
How To Save A Life